Book Closing Lines Quiz (October 2021)

Book Closing Lines Quiz (October 2021)

In May 2020 I compiled a quiz based on the openings of a variety of books on our bookcases - a mixture of the well-known and the slightly obscure, the literary and the popular, with a dusting of SF/fantasy sprinkled in. I’ve now put together a second quiz, this time on book endings.

This page has the book endings but not the answers - there is a version with answers also available.

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Book Closing Lines Quiz (October 2021) - with answers

Book Closing Lines Quiz (October 2021) - with answers

In May 2020 I compiled a quiz based on the openings of a variety of books on our bookcases - a mixture of the well-known and the slightly obscure, the literary and the popular, with a dusting of SF/fantasy sprinkled in. I’ve now put together a second quiz, this time on book endings.

This page includes the book closing lines and the answers: there is a spoiler-free version with only the questions also available.

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Book Opening Lines Quiz (May 2020)

A quiz to identify 32 books from their openings - the well-known and the slightly obscure, the literary and the popular, with a dusting of SF/fantasy

I recently compiled a quiz based on the openings of a variety of books on our bookcases. It is a mixture of the well-known and the slightly obscure, the literary and the popular, with a dusting of SF/fantasy sprinkled in.

This page has the questions only: when you’re ready, there is a version of the quiz with answers also available.

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Book Opening Lines Quiz (May 2020) - with answers

Book Opening Lines Quiz (May 2020) - with answers

I recently compiled a quiz based on the openings of a variety of books on our bookcases. It is a mixture of the well-known and the slightly obscure, the literary and the popular, with a dusting of SF/fantasy sprinkled in.

This page includes the book openings and the answers: there is a spoiler-free version with only the questions also available.

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