Book Closing Lines Quiz (October 2021) - with answers

In May 2020 I compiled a quiz based on the openings of a variety of books on our bookcases - a mixture of the well-known and the slightly obscure, the literary and the popular, with a dusting of SF/fantasy sprinkled in. I’ve now put together a second quiz, this time on book endings.

This page includes the book closing lines and the answers: there is a spoiler-free version with only the questions also available.

Book 1

As before, a classic ending to get started.

Closing of Book 1

Answer: Animal Farm (George Orwell)

Book 2

I agree with this writer’s view of dishwashers…

Closing of Book 2

Answer: Appetite (Nigel Slater)

Book 3

Closing of Book 3

Answer: The Chrysalids (John Wyndham)

Book 4

Closing of Book 4

Answer: Notes from a Small Island (Bill Bryson)

Book 5

Closing of Book 5

Answer: A Prayer for Owen Meany (John Irving)

Book 6

Closing of Book 6

Answer: 1066 and All That (W. C. Sellar and R. J. Yeatman)

Book 7

I snapped this tome up when it came out, and now only remember a few scenes - but the river of gold at the end stuck in my mind.

Closing of Book 7

Answer: Crytptonomicon (Neal Stephenson)

Book 8

I sadly didn’t see this at the theatre, but since heard great things about it. No velociraptors on this last page, though.

Closing of Book 8

Answer: Enron (Lucy Prebble)

Book 9

I did see this at the National Theatre (and, dare I whisper, might have preferred the tighter telling of the tale there).

Closing of Book 9

Answer: Northern Lights (Philip Pullman) - also known as The Golden Compass

Book 10

A first picture round.

Closing of Book 10

Answer: The Sandman - Volume One - Preludes and Nocturnes (Neil Gaiman)

Book 11

“Widely regarded as a book that helped establish the genre conventions of steampunk”, says Wikipedia. It’s been on my shelf for a while, sounds fascinating - I just need to get round to reading it!

Closing of Book 11

Answer: The Difference Engine (William Gibson and Bruce Sterling)

Book 12

Still a fantastically funny play.

Closing of Book 12

Answer: Noises Off (Michael Frayn)

Book 13

Closing of Book 13

Answer: The Name of the Rose (Umberto Eco)

Book 14

Sometimes the Catchphrase clue “say what you see” does the trick…

Closing of Book 14

Answer: The World According to Garp (John Irving)

Book 15

One from the Kindle collection.

Closing of Book 15

Answer: No Shame (Tom Allen)

Book 16

Closing of Book 16

Answer: The Man Who Died Twice (Richard Osman)

Book 17

The National Theatre adaptation cut the line lodged in my memory about sending money through the post.

Closing of Book 17

Answer: Emil and the Detectives (Erich Kästner)

Book 18

Closing of Book 18

Answer: Storm Front, the first of the Dresden Files series (Jim Butcher)

Book 19

I should try harder to come up with some suitably cryptic clues.

Closing of Book 19

Answer: Atonement (Sebastain Faulks)

Book 20

The second and final picture round.

Closing of Book 20

Answer: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (Alan Moore)

See also